Niche Marketing: Let The People Come To You

LoLo Kroll
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

Imagine you’re looking for some quick cash and find a gig passing out a new health restaurant’s flyers to people on the street. You’re dreading this day because you avoid people trying to hand you things when you’re minding your own business, but you need to get rid of these flyers by the end of your shift. To make that happen, you’re gonna have to be strategic about where you distribute. Where do people who eat healthy food hang out? The gym, probably. A Whole Foods parking lot, perhaps. Maybe en route to the park. By choosing specific locations tailored to your target audience’s interests and habits, you’re more likely to find people who actually want to hear about and will likely visit a new health restaurant in their city.

Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash

It makes more sense to hand out the flyers where people are already interested in health food, right? Similarly, as a business on social media you need to find the platform where your niche target market hangs out. Shopify defines a niche market as “a segment of a larger market that can be defined by its own unique needs, preferences, or identity that makes it different from the market at large.” When you locate the specific communities of your potential customers, you can speak directly to passionate, highly engaged individuals who are already interested in what you have to offer. Instead of screaming into the void, you’re able to specifically target the demographic that would benefit most from your content. Why spend your time where people aren’t listening when you can speak to people who hang on your every word? Let the people come to you.

Image from Disruptive Advertising

Niche marketing works because it’s specific. When you understand exactly what your potential customer needs, you’re able to provide it neatly packaged, easily consumable, and directly to their inbox. There are endless possibilities when it comes to finding a niche. Think you’re being too specific? Worried no one else is into what you like? Think again. In our globally connected world, you’re bound to find someone fascinated by the same things that fascinate you.

Image from Nerd Fitness

A great example of embracing a niche is Nerd Fitness. We picture the stereotypical gymgoer as a cool guy, jock, etc… but not usually as a nerdy or academic individual. They appeal to the nerd population through specific language, like “best fitness advice in the galaxy,” “level up your life,” and references to The Matrix and Transformers. In fact, founder Steve Kamb admits he created this venture because he “didn’t see anyone helping out people like [him]: people with desk jobs that love nerd culture, games, books, and movies, but also know they need to make healthier choices in their day to day lives.” Kamb caters to a group of “misfits” (his words) often left out of society.

Image from The Digital Harish

How do you find your niche? Start with defining what makes you different and what you’re extremely knowledgeable and passionate about. What could you talk about for an hour without a script? Next, research your competitors. How do you stand out and what makes you unique? Is there an underserved or untapped market? Finally, post valuable content and see what works. Through trial and error, you’ll find where you fit in the digital landscape.


